Personality Traits Vital To Your Start-Up - Recruitment Revolution

Personality Traits Vital To Your Start-Up

Any company should pride itself on its workforce, but never is it more important or integral than for a start-up. Having the right employees from the get-go can make all the difference. Not only will it save you a huge amount of money in recruitment and productivity but can ultimately plot the growth potential of your company in the long term. Looking for a few key personality traits during your hiring process is vital to singling out the right candidates to bring on board.

1.) Innovation
You want to hire staff who can get creative with their ideas, who are up for taking risks when it’s necessary. Let potential candidates in on the forward thinking mantras of your company by advertising it as so, you’ll attract the right demographic if you pull this off. Use social media and video recruitment and show that you think outside of the box.

2.) Flexibility
The environment of a start-up business is very dynamic, and employees may have to continually adapt and switch to roles new to them. Having versatile staff can eliminate the headache here: target your questions to assess the candidate’s ability to cope under quick fire.

3.) Passion
Looking for passionate people will mean your employees will happily dedicate themselves to the cause and go beyond the call of duty. People who truly love their job are a great asset to bring on board.

4.) Trust
You need straightforward staff you can trust to fulfil a job to a specification. Be alert to bravado and check the details of every candidate, you need hardworking staff who are honest about their limitations as well as their skills.

5.) Communication
You candidates can have all of the above, but if they can’t communicate with you and each other then they’re a risk to the business. Make sure that all of your staff are confident and relaxed enough to be able to ask for, and give, help immediately.

Use Recruitment Revolution’s low cost recruitment process to find the right candidate for your start-up business.