4 Steps To Successful Hiring Campaigns - Recruitment Revolution

4 Steps To Successful Hiring Campaigns

In days gone by, the yard stick for success of hiring a new candidate would be measured in “time taken” and “cost incurred.” This black and white method is being nudged out by more sophisticated factors like the performance level of the new employee, the satisfaction of superiors and the retention of a new hire. A study asked almost 1600 recruitment professionals their opinions on the hiring process and opened up some interesting observations.

The success metrics are changing in hiring teams, to criteria based in the long term. Performance has become king, whilst cost and speed are falling way down the papal ladder. The difficulty in looking towards these long term aims is in finding a way to complete the short term tasks in the interim, but it’s a case of swallowing the extra effort in the knowledge that it pays off in the end.

1.) Begin to track the performance progress of new employees in bi-annual exercises. Base it upon their output, superior reviews and workplace integrity.

2.) Formulate a profile for success as a benchmark with which to assess your new employees. Note and record the best features of your top employees and look for candidates who have already mastered these skills.

3.) Monitor your attraction and selection. Hiring is as much about you as it is about the employees, take heed of what makes more/better people apply.

4.) Ascertain, correct, and alter your assessment process. If you have your recruitment smarts, you’ll know that you should cater your process to the candidate. Identify which processes work the best with which candidates, single out which aren’t doing do well and begin to improve upon your process.

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