Hiring: it’s as much about what you offer as what you pay

Hiring: it’s as much about what you offer as what you pay
We read an interesting piece on Tlnt.com about hiring and in particular, what a manager should do when interviewing and looking for applicants. We thought these were strategies to share, so we have summarised below.

When recruiting new employees, it is as much about what you pay as about what you offer. Offering new jobs to potential employees is great in any economy, but what is the point of handing out jobs if applicants are not a good fit for the company?

A few tips for managers who are looking to hire include:
• Hire employees who actually like the company and products it offers. Ask them questions about the company to discover applicants who have taken an interest in the firm prior to interview.
• Choose applicants who do not mind a challenge and then challenge them in the role.
• Look for applicants who work well with others. Ask questions that will ascertain this information from them.
• Only consider applicants who enjoy pushing themselves and have a good attitude that would fit the ways of your office.

A look at what not to do:
• Don’t hire people based solely on the professionalism of their CV and what they claim to do/be about
• Don’t let inexperienced employees do the hiring
• Don’t allow untrained interviewers to conduct an employment interview
• Don’t hire a substandard applicant without using due diligence and taking up references.
• Don’t treat existing employees poorly
There is nothing more important to a business than the quality of employees that a business puts in front of its customers. It does not matter if those employees are working with high-level businesspeople or with everyday consumers. They should be friendly, knowledgeable and enjoy their jobs. That potential is what every business owner should seek in applicants.
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