Low cost recruitment as a result of using the online space and online recruitment agencies has obvious benefits for the employer. But what about the potential employee? Using LinkedIn and other platforms has its perks, but there are also pitfalls that candidates can easily tailor their job application in order to avoid.
LinkedIn has released its most overused words in 2013 which Laurence Hebberd covered in a great Infographic on Undercover Recruiter – you can view it here. The most used word in 2011 was “creative”, also the winner in 2012. In 2013, things changed and the most used word came out as “responsible”.
Most overused LinkedIn words / phrases 2012:
• Creative
• Organizational
• Effective
• Motivated
• Extensive experience
• Track record
• Innovative
• Responsible
• Analytical
• Problem solving
Most overused LinkedIn words 2013:
• Responsible
• Strategic
• Creative
• Effective
• Patient
• Expert
• Organizational
• Driven
• Innovative
• Analytical
Below is how we recommend using this information to tailor your social presence and job applications to stand out online:
If You Can’t Beat Em’, Join Em’
Online recruitment is big business with more companies and candidates taking to cyber space than ever before to meet their workplace needs. LinkedIn is a huge part of this with Mashable reporting 250 million members in October 2013. The huge popularity of this platform means if you’re not on it, you’re missing a trick, so be sure to sign up.
Candidates use it to promote themselves, and businesses use it as a low cost option, so with such a large membership and companies having more access to more candidates than ever before – including those that are passive – standing out in the crowd as a candidate becomes tricky, therefore:
Use The Data
There’s significant similarity in the above two lists despite the order changing around. Prior to the Internet and large social media platforms such as LinkedIn gathering this sort of data was incredibly difficult – imagine manually going through word processed resumes to get it! On top of that, gaining access to this kind of data once it had been gathered would have been even harder. Because of the Internet though, we have immediate access to it and it’s incredibly valuable – knowing what not to include on your resume is a great way to get ahead when applying for vacancies online.
Research The Application Process
There’s never been more knowledge at our fingertips, all accessible at the click of a button and all for free. There are numerous blogs and articles about how to apply for jobs and the pitfalls to avoid, so read up on things like cover letters, resume formatting and the job market.
Research The Company
The vast majority of companies now have an online presence; find out who you’re applying to and what they’re looking for in a candidate. You can also look them up socially and see how they manage their brand online. Connecting and following on LinkedIn and other platforms is a great way to get to know them.
In Summary
Because online recruitment is a low cost way to recruit and the Internet is largely used for job and candidate searching both by potential employers and potential employees it can get a little crowded – it’s not inhibited by geographical location like the real world, therefore:
• Apply only for those jobs that you really want – it’s better to tailor your application for ten rather than blanket email 100 companies
• Think about your unique ability and the person reading at the other end when writing your CV
• Research the company you’re applying to and connect with them online
• Ensure you have a social presence and that your online brand across social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter is consistent
• Avoid the buzzwords where possible!
Jamie Mistlin, RecruitmentRevolution.com – find me on Google+.