In a recent government report, the NHS staff members have come up trumps as staff likely to be at the forefront of promoting an ‘engaged’ workplace to the rest of the nation. The independent review body has presented their findings in the MacLeod Review and it has highlighted the NHS staff as people, who are engaged in their workplace, which is a mental attitude the government wish to promote nationally.
The reason engaged staff members are so valued by the government is because they are known to work harder and care more about their job and customers and are less likely to leave or be ill. They will also show trust in their employers and communicate with them to help improve the function of their company. This translates to less sick payments, antipathy amongst staff as well as massive increase in business profit, which is just the thing to restart a flagging economy.
This has been a boost for the NHS workers who have been through some tough times and bad headlines but the attitude and motivation of their staff to work towards improvements is what has singled them out as an organisation you would want to work for. Maybe they look for certain qualities in their staff or have certain methods of recruitment that attract positive and engaged staff members.
“We are pleased that the MacLeod Review recognises work in the NHS as at the forefront of effective employee engagement among organisations from all sectors. The Macleod Review uses examples from the NHS in its recommendations for effective employee engagement to help inspire good practise and promote debate among other organizations,” stated Alastair Henderson, Deputy Chief Executive of NHS Employers
“Staff engagement is the key to improving productivity and improving services. Within the NHS there is a national commitment to staff engagement and there are many NHS organisations in which it is now embedded as the way things are done. NHS Employers is working with English NHS trusts to continue developing their skills and capacity across all the key areas cited in the report.”