UK Workforce badly treated over past several years - Recruitment Revolution

UK Workforce badly treated over past several years

Research conducted over a two year period by Cardiff’s School of Social Sciences and Plymouth Business School shows that violence in the workplace in Britain is common. This study may help you in deciding which careers interest you.

Unreasonable deadlines and insurmountable workloads were reported by almost 30 per cent of the nearly 4,000 employees interviewed. Twenty-five per cent of employees had been shouted at or on the receiving end of anger. Intimidation was reported by 13.3 per cent of the respondents.

Violence is a daily occurrence for 13 per cent of the respondents. High risk career groups are in health care, social services, teaching, public service and security. Clients, patrons, or other citizens instigated 72 per cent of the attacks. In the private sector, assaults on the job were initiated by colleagues.

Almost half of the British workforces have unreasonable workloads. Nobody listens to them. Standard policies to handle disputes are ineffective. Managers and highly paid professionals are blamed. However, the research shows that managers and highly paid professionals are, as a group, at risk of poor treatment and violence.

The study points out that poor treatment of employees is more widespread than previously believed. Poor treatment even reaches into large organisations with trade unions. Recruitment in all careers needs to aim at bringing civility into British jobs. – pioneers of pay-on-hire flat fee recruitment