We came across an interesting article from 4BN, which looked at how to write a cover letter that stands out from the crowd. Below, we have summarised accordingly.
Hiring managers and recruiters can be at the mercy of thousands of applications for any vacancy – giving jobseekers the monstrous challenge of catching the eye and writing a cover letter that blows the reader away.
Keeping Up Appearances
Make sure that your cover letter matches your CV in the styling and professionalism of appearance. Keep fancy fonts to a minimum and make sure that the two are instantly recognisable as from the same candidate.
Targeting the Audience
Personalising your communication when possible is always a great idea – use the hiring manager’s name if you can find it out. Use social media and phone calls to find out who to address your cover letter to – it shows an effort on your part.
Open Well
Capturing and retaining the interest of the reader is the responsibility of your opening paragraph. Make sure that it refers to the position that you’re applying for – along with briefly outlining your qualifications as relevant to the job. Quantify any proof or evidence that you have to support your role.
Showcase Yourself
Bullet point lists are great at showcasing your accomplishments to support your application.
Proactive End
Your cover letter should always end with implied action – such as a follow-up phone call. Waiting for a hiring manager to make the first step can put you at risk of losing the opportunity.
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