Retraining To Teach: How Investment Bankers Are Trading Canary Wharf For Arnhem Wharf School

According to the Training and Development Agency for Schools the organization responsible for the development of Teachers throughout the UK, many workers from a variety of areas of industry, banking and the public sector are showing interest in teaching as an answer to unemployment during the credit crunch.  Recruitment is a low cost recruitment agency proving small businesses with a cost effective recruitment solution.

The financial sector has been hit particularly hard with many redundancies and job losses. The TDA has seen this as an opportunity to approach workers with an alternative of joining the teaching profession with at least 40 people attending a workshop at Canary Wharf.  In attendance was a property developer whose business had been destroyed by the property price crash; he was looking for a way to survive the next few years with a stable career.  Another attendee was an investment banker looking for a true sense of purpose and meaning within their career: this seemed to be a common theme amongst the audience.  The idea of giving something back to the community was embraced by all, but when confronted with the reality of a substantial pay cut, will they still be so open, or is a steady and reliable salary better than no salary at all?

A route to take may involve re-skilling yourself  in this particular teaching area.  It appears that with the job market shrinking rapidly in certain section the more experience you have in a variety of jobs or training the better.