Private Sector Job Drives Planned for the Remainder of the Year

Job recruitment in the private sector is expected to rise over the duration of the year due to nearly 30% of private companies preparing to launch recruitment drives, according to research performed by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), whose Director-General, John Cridland, claims that this doesn’t necessarily mean an increase in pay for current private sector employees.

Though things may not be getting any better for those left on the payroll at many private companies, things may be on the up and up for those who have made careers in the public sector and have seen huge government cutbacks over the course of the recession.
“The pay and recruitment freezes that were commonplace in the private sector during the depths of the recession have now migrated to the public sector. However, we remain confident that private sector growth can more than compensate for job losses in the public sector,” Cridland said.

However, according to online recruitment industry experts, public sector workers who might have gotten accustomed to government benefits before the recession should not allow themselves to be too let down when they find that, just as in the public sector, benefits enjoyed in years past are not any more affordable in the private sector today.

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