Do You Understand Your Workplace Rights?

While most employees know thatsick pay exists, research shows that three out of four people don’t know how
much sick pay they are actually entitled to when they become ill. Unfortunately,
most people overestimate how much
they think they will be paid when they are off sick. It is often thought that
you are entitled to your full salary when this is not the case.

The truth is when you are feeling
under the weather, you may only get the statutory sick pay that is set by the
government if you are off for more than a few days. This can be significantly
less than your normal wages. Some employers do offer sick pay schemes for the
office, but often there are catches and new employees find they don’t quality
for this cover.

There is no doubt that it is
important to make yourself aware of these kind of workplace rights. It is a
pretty bad feeling thinking you are going to receive wages when you aren’t!
But, what is even worse is when you are
entitled to money and you don’t know about it. So, what other workplace rights
are employees not aware of?

Understand Your Entitlements

Well, surveys have shown that lot
of people don’t know enough about workplace pensions and the contributions that
they should receive. It is the law for all employers to provide a workplace
pension scheme. This is known as automatic enrolment and if you are employed,
between 22 years old and the state pension age and earning at least £10,000 per
year, you qualify for pension contributions.

Of course, you may be asking;
what are the benefits of being part of the workplace pension scheme? It is all
about being financially stable and comfortable when you retire. Not only will
you make your own contribution from your earnings each month, but your employer
will also be required to make contributions towards your pension too. This
money will still be available to you if you change jobs in the future; the
money is simply invested and will be tangible for you when you reach retirement
age. In the meantime, you can enjoy tax relief on the money you contribute!