Can You Risk Responding To That Job Email?

It is thought that employees can waste up to two hours of every day at work, surfing the internet and responding to personal emails, which would be one fifth of your working week.  A recent survey found that over 90% of people have admitted to sending or receiving personal emails at work and over 65% of employers have had to discipline staff about emails or browsing during work hours.

With the recent economic and employment crisis, should people really think twice about sending or receiving personal emails at work or browsing the web, as this could seriously endanger the security of their job.  Every company who are internet based or use the internet as part of their setup should be thinking about implementing an internet and email policy to protect themselves from repeat offenders. Most companies can simply not afford to lose ten man hours every week to internet browsing.

If you have lost your job due to internet or email abuse, such as if someone has sent an inappropriate email to your work’s email address but this may have a serious consequence when finding a new job.  One small business recruitment agent commented “honesty is always the best policy and coming clean about email or internet abuse is a must during the interview process as the details will usually come to light.  The best thing to do is not abuse your work email or internet service in the first place.”