Is Your Business Ready For Flu Season? - Recruitment Revolution

Is Your Business Ready For Flu Season?

There is a threat hanging in the air, the threat from swine flu and although it seems the first wave has not been as bad as first feared, are we to believe that this is the calm before the storm? Many government backed facilities are urging people to prepare themselves for the possibility of a major swine flu outbreak over the next few months.

The official figure of employees potentially absent from pandemic related situations at any given time is predicted at 12% from the Cabinet’s figures but this does not include the expected absenteeism from holidays and normal sickness. The official figure of 12% does not necessarily reflect the parent-worker absences that could be experienced during this period and the CIPD are predicting a 50% absenteeism rate, at the highest peak, which for some businesses will be catastrophic.

Although the business effects seem to be potentially worse than the official predictions have suggested, the good news is that the predicted number of deaths from swine flu has been lowered to 19,000 in England, from a suggested 65,000 in July, at the peak of the pandemic so far and the weekly number of cases is falling in official statistics too.

For a low cost business recruitment solution to help prepare for the upcoming flu season contact to be one step ahead this Winter.