Communication Critical In Keeping Employees Motivated

Nothing can deteriorate a relationship faster than lack of proper communication between two parties, and this holds especially true in a business setting between managers and personnel. Without clearly defined goals, understanding of corporate objectives and well established personal expectations, many careers are doomed to fail from the onset if significant guidance from managers is insufficient or avoided.

Communication remains even more critical in times of economic distress when companies freeze pay-raises, reduce wages, or consolidate jobs in efforts to remain operative and financially solvent. Involving employees of the current state of affairs of the organisation and the rationale behind management’s decisions allows them to be more involved and personally invested into the welfare of the company. Whether generating innovative ideas to grow business, reduce expenditures or increase morale, employees will be more participative in preserving the existence of the organisation.

Adversely, when individuals are recognised for their achievements and contributions to the company through pay-raises or awards, inadequate and indistinct reasoning behind such decisions can have unfavourable outcomes than otherwise intended. While corporations offer these incentives to motivate and encourage employees, satisfaction levels actually remain low especially if the individual was not informed as to why the incentive was received.

Acknowledgment of accomplishments by identifying and listing the attainment of goals and successes for the employee by the manager benefits both. It also provides insight into weaknesses that can be improved upon and strengthened.