Better Than The Boss: What Do You Really Think About Your Employer?

We have all thought about how we would run the companies we work for if we were in charge! Daydreams about being the head-honcho and doing the hiring and firing are common, and believing we can do some things more effectively than our current boss is not a new idea among employees. Frequently, members of staff look to the upper echelons of their respective companies and feel that they may be lacking in certain aspects of management, leaving some staff feeling unappreciated and undervalued.

Data from Undercover Recruiter
Figures quoted by Undercover Recruiter indicate that employees have a shocking lack of confidence in the abilities of their employers, but this seems to be mainly due to the red tape that needs to be cut through in order to simply have a tête-à-tête conversation. Twenty per cent of the employees questioned in the survey agreed that the overuse of management and corporate jargon contributed to a dislike of their boss and, teamed with the perception of endless meetings and ever-changing deadlines, suggests a disconnection with upper management.

An Entrepreneurial Revolution
Just under half of people questioned had aspirations of starting their own businesses which solidifies the idea that more people want to take their work lives into their own hands as we’ve mentioned in previous posts. Many unsatisfied with their job might be dissuaded from changing it or making the move to self-employment though because of the state of the economy and the difficulty in finding something new. However with all recent economical reports indicating that a boom is imminent, this viewpoint and fear of being jobless could change.

It is fairly common to dislike your job or your boss, but perhaps the way to combat this problem effectively is to bring a more human approach back to work and make communication with senior staff easier to achieve. Or – if you can do better than your boss, perhaps it’s time to try!

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Jamie Mistlin, – find me on Google+.