eCommerce Updates: Mobile Searches Precede Desktop Sales

Mobile Phone and Headphones
Some brilliant statistics have been released over recent weeks showing how the world of eCommerce is developing – and it’s great news.

From solid sales to growth rates and mobile reigning supreme in the buying journey, it’s positive news for this exciting industry. 

Outstanding Statistics

Some positive statistics to come out of recent eCommerce sales figures from Forbes include; 

  • Holiday spending this season is expected to surpass $100 billion on eCommerce
  • There are more visits to retail sites on mobiles than on desktop, 54% to 46% respectively
  • There has been almost 20% year on year growth in sales for the colloquially named Cyber Monday 
  • During weekday working hours, desktop searches are more popular. But when work is done for the day and at weekends mobile searching is more popular

Mobile Matters

Interestingly, mobile eCommerce sales still haven’t made their mark despite mobile traffic and activity in other areas increasing exponentially. However, the benefits of omni-channel marketing show as a large number of desktop sales (around 30%) are initiated on mobile devices first – visitors choose their purchases on mobile, but hand over those precious pounds when they can get back near a desktop. 

Additionally, apps are showing their worth as although mobile web purchases aren’t as high, in-app purchases are – for example on the Amazon app. It could be that shoppers feel more secure purchasing in this manner than on the mobile web. 


Omni-channel strategies that include mobile and desktop as well as offline and app marketing strategies are set to succeed in this market. Although consumers may not have the confidence to purchase on the mobile web yet, they certainly make their decisions there. 

With regard to how this may impact eCommerce recruitment, digital marketing expertise as well as mobile web and app expertise is becoming only more important. Perfecting your omni-channel strategy could be the key to capitalising on rapid eCommerce growth.