Good Answers to Hard Interview Questions

An article caught our eye this week which explores what answers are good for hard interview questions and we thought it would be interesting to report what these are.

When you apply for recruitment and get the chance to be interviewed, it shows the recruiter believes you have the potential to carry out the job for which you applied. You will be halfway towards securing your dream job. However, you can still lose the battle easily if you do not prove the recruiter right.

A lot of things go into passing an interview, including your physical appearance and body language. However, the main determinant of your success or failure is the way you answer questions. It is important for you to know how to answer the interview questions correctly.

1. When recruiters ask you to tell them a bit about yourself, what they really mean is that they want to know why they should hire you. They are not interested in some funny stories about your life.

Always be honest and let your individuality show but tailor your response as per the job you applied for and expectations of the recruiters.

2. When they ask about your weaknesses, they are acknowledging the fact that you are not perfect. However, they are not really interested in your weaknesses but how you make up for them.

Avoid being too transparent or faking things.

3. If you are asked how you handle stress, the recruiters want to know your time-management, decision-making and problem-solving skills.

4. The question about where you see yourself in a few years does not solicit the truth about your career prospects. The employers want to know whether they form part of where you expect to go.

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