The Impact for London Business during the Olympics - Recruitment Revolution

The Impact for London Business during the Olympics

We were astonished by an article originally posted on HRreview this week. It states that nearly 70% of London businesses thought commuting and travel would be disrupted by this summer’s Games, yet none had put in place a plan to deal with it. We have summarised below:

Statistics from Global Action Plan showed that 69 percent of London businesses believed the Olympic Games would disrupt travel notably but many businesses did not have a good response plan. In response, the group has published a 10-point plan aimed at helping businesses save money while improving efficiency and reducing environmental impact.

Forty-one percent of the research respondents have no strategic plan to minimise emissions and travel costs yet the games are expected to make it difficult to meet with clients, deliver supplies and commute either to or from work. This means people have to change their travel behaviour, something that should carry on past the Olympics to leave a lasting legacy for future generations.

The city is expected to handle 5.3 million visitors during the games, leading to about 855,000 game-related trips. Unfortunately, many businesses do not have better travel plans either because of senior leadership or insufficient technology. However, Global Action Plan’s report shows that businesses can change people’s travel and work patterns through the use of innovative approaches. This will not only help them to cut their carbon emissions but also improve their bottom line.

According to Trewin Restorick, annual business travel expenses for UK companies amount to £17.5 billion and the figure is getting bigger. However, 76 percent of the companies have never used even the simplest incentives to check travel costs.

Global Action Plan prepared the report after conducting research for nine months. – uk online recruitment specialist