The 4th Industrial Revolution: Which Sectors Are Going to Explode in Accordance with Globalisation Trends?

Young People Outside Happy
It’s an exciting time for today’s youth on the cusp of graduating or entering into the world of full time work. Some interesting trends have led to predictions as to what types of job roles are going to increase in popularity over the coming years, we have a few of them below.

Global Trends

An ILO report looked at global youth unemployment trends taking into consideration drivers such as health, the economy and the population. The University of San Diego took these trends one step further and matched them with current online job vacancies to make sector-specific predictions. The result was a list of professions that are anticipated to experience an increase in demand over the coming year. 

Our Health

An interesting point covered by the American study was the vastly increasing number of individuals addicted to opioids in the USA. Often making headlines are how Americans are addicted or have become addicted to illegal drugs from an over-reliance on prescription drugs. There have been notable deaths due to this cause too and addiction is increasing sharply.  

For this reason it’s anticipated that substance abuse professionals will experience a peak in demand in the USA. Perhaps more relevant to the UK however is the increasing attention mental health is receiving; professionals in this area are struggling under the strain and this is not set to ease anytime soon if global affairs are to be considered. Health professionals of all kinds are set to remain in high demand. 

Our Population

Also regularly in the headlines is our ageing population. The ILO report states that a lower percentage of youth population are actually entering work, whilst more older people are exiting work. This leaves the working population with an exponentially increasing bill and under huge strain.  

For this reason it’s anticipated that the role of the financial advisor will become more relevant. As governments have less money to dish out and workers receive lower take home pay, many individuals will need to tighten their purse strings. These professionals can enable them to make ends meet in an increasingly expensive world.  

Our Technology

The needs of the workplace are changing. Today’s youth can meet hot demand for cyber security specialists, data analysts and digital experts as companies look to navigate and make the most of the Internet for their business. 

For this reason it’s anticipated that roles in cyber security, analytics, research, computing, web and mobile development, IT and digital marketing will continue to bloom.  

Where do you think today’s youth will be employed tomorrow? We’re excited to see what becomes of the named “4th industrial revolution” or 4IR.