How to Deal with People (You Cannot Stand) Professionally - Recruitment Revolution

How to Deal with People (You Cannot Stand) Professionally

We read an interesting article on recruiter this week about the best tips to handle people at work that you find difficult to deal with. There are some great tips and we have summarised the article below.
It is naturally challenging to like everyone you interact with in different areas of your life including the workplace. However, you can still deal professionally with all people, irrespective of how you feel about them. The following tips will help you handle everyone professionally.

• Take advantage of your power of choice. Whether you develop a natural dislike for some people or find it difficult to work with them because of what they do or have done, it is still up to you to choose the way you behave in their presence. You won’t have any shortage of options.

• Find suitable resources to help you handle the person in question professionally and “arm” yourself before you interact with them.

• Imagine you are using a pair of binoculars to look at the person from afar. Keeping some distance between you will enhance safety feelings.

• Reframe how you describe the person you dislike to have a more positive angle. For example, is the person difficult, challenging or useful in helping you utilise your assertive skills? The way you describe people will influence how you perceive and communicate with them, including your non-verbal gestures.

• Differentiate people and their behaviours. Pinpoint specific behaviours you dislike and find ideal methods of handling them.

• Give them closer attention. Notice what they say, how they say it, their gestures and gaze in order to discover something about them.

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