How Can I Give My Staff the Best Christmas Ever?

Christmas Tree and Decorations

This week our focus is on managers and how good managers can get the most out of their staff over the next three months, including the run up to Christmas and New Year, whilst ensuring they have a wonderful and restful break.

Why Your Team Needs to Rest

Our research has shown that well being across all size of organisation is a massive push for companies in 2016 and beyond. The reason? Sickness and time off work leads to lost dollars and lower levels of productivity.

This need for better well being of staff in an always-on society has filtered through all levels of organisations, meaning managers are taking responsibility too.

How to End The Year

We’re shown to be more effective after a break. Therefore it’s important that your team doesn’t stress over Christmas but instead relaxes and winds down, returning to work positively energised, well and eager to get back into the swing of things. Ways as a manager to work to this goal as taken from OnRec are:

Before The Holidays
Acknowledge their input: There’s nothing worse than leaving for the holidays on a bad note – ensure this doesn’t happen and your team leaves in the right mindset, happy and set to recharge their batteries.
Set goals for the next 3 months including the run up to Christmas: These do not need to be big, but the achievement of even small goals can mean your team leaves for the holidays with a strong sense of satisfaction, and makes the most of their needed downtime knowing they have achieved something.
Set goals for when your team return to work: They may well be a little bored after the incessant eating and doing very little the holiday period brings! Having goals to come back to and get straight into the swing of things can help motivation between Christmas and New Year or from January onwards, depending on who is returning to work and when.

After The Holidays
• WHY?: Upon return to work, re-establish just why you’re all there and why your team exists – install that sense of worth into every member of your organisation.
• HOW?: Gain input from your team on how the goals set can be achieved. Involvement is a great tool in increasing engagement.

Enjoy the Rest

The workplace is an enjoyable and challenging one. And we all need to unwind come year end – because of our access to technology some of us work the equivalent of a 72 hour working week. Leaving on a good note therefore, can enable more recuperation from everyone and a better functioning team on its return.

It can be a fine line to balance – if you don’t communicate any expectations to staff over Christmas you risk them becoming less productive as holiday excitement takes over. Alternatively, if you come down too hard you risk being a bit of a scrooge! And tasks may be completed half-heartedly out of resentment.

So set goals, say thank you, enjoy the break, and enjoy returning to work even more! Merry Christmas everyone.