Professions With The Biggest Raises In 2014

We came across an interesting article from Forbes recently, which looked at which professions are going to enjoy the largest salary gains next year. Below, we have summarised accordingly.
It’s common knowledge that software and computing are essential industries in the global business market, but international staffing organisation Robert Half has recently released salary guides which point to other industries including Accounting and Finance, primed for a 2014 boost. The agency has projected that salaries, on average, will grow at a rate of just under 4% in 2014 – with mobile apps and software developers experiencing almost double this increase.

Conducting a survey across 1,000 recruiters, 240 offices and more than 700 jobs – Robert Half has released data on the top ten positions and their projected salary increase. As you might expect, the 10 jobs at the top of the tree are software development and computer science based.

The largest increase of 8.4% belongs to the Pre-Sales Engineer or Technical Engineer, who will be earning the equivalent of up to £72,000 per year. Mobile Apps and Software Developers will experience 7.8% and 7.7% respectively, whilst Business Intelligence Analysts and Data Architects will both receive growth of more than 7%.

At the other end of the spectrum, the lowest gains next year will belong to those in admin. Junior legal positions at mid-sized firms will experience just a 1.1% growth – but the smallest gain belongs to legal word processors who will enjoy just a 0.5% raise. finds applicants from a huge national pool. Use our online recruitment service to attract your applicants and get them through the door today.